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All Chay in Rose Park offers exclusively vegan, Vietnamese cuisine. From noodle dishes like those pictured above through vibrant fresh rice paper rolls to satisfyingly crunchy banh mi sandwiches. All this is offered with a friendly smile by the mom and pop team that run the joint, not to mention at very affordable prices.

All Chay menu

The following All Chay menu was provided directly by the restaurant and is dated January 2021:

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We are not affiliated with this business. Prices, ingredients, nutrition and menu options are provided only as a reference and may be outdated and incorrect. Always confirm prices directly with the listed businesses.

All Chay menu - appetizers, fresh rolls, noodle soups
All Chay menu – appetizers, fresh rolls, noodle soups

All Chay menu - noodle salad, rice dishes
All Chay menu – noodle salad, rice dishes
All Chay menu - banhi mi, drinks and desserts
All Chay menu – banhi mi, drinks and desserts

Where is All Chay located

1264 W 500 N, Salt Lake City, UT 84116
(801) 521-4789

Reviews of this restaurant

Best SLC vegan spot!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
April 14, 2024

Amazing food always the most polite staff amazing prices and such a great place to dine in. The food here I would eat everyday.


Simply delightful

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 2, 2023

Love this place. Awesome people


Some of the best Vietnamese food in SLC

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 28, 2023

I’ve eaten nearly everything on the menu and have never been disappointed. Great food and great people. I highly recommend for vegans and non-vegans alike!


LOVE this place.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 24, 2023

Everything I have ever eaten here has been delicious. If I didn’t live so far I would eat here probably every day!


killer vegan/vegitarian everything is great

Rated 5.0 out of 5
July 6, 2022

killer vegan/vegitarian everything is great


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If you'd like to leave a review of your experience at this restaurant please focus on the specific dishes you sampled. Our goal is to help other diners with understanding and enjoying the above menu. If you did not enjoy a dish, please provide constructive criticism so the restaurany can use your feedback to improve.
Reviews that fail to provide insight into the menu for other diners will be removed. Reviews with profanity, or otherwise aggressive in nature will be removed.